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Sunday, 4 March 2012


aUDIOgraFT @ jaqueline du pre music rooms
b4 it happenE


Add D PriorNoise
scratches maDE== when static PLAyED
Anvil & Stirrup, now

caption captured
audiograph software 4 ipad :)
Great concert put on by OCM - although I was a bit miffed that they wouldn't let me in to see Trevor Wishart in the 1st half because they were 'recording' - surely with electronic music made of samples they would take a feed off the sound desk and also several people walked out of the door during the first half.  Moan Moan bloody moan.  However, second half was very interesting, I've tried to capture the mood of the different pieces in these sketches. My favourites are the speakers and the couple listening.  I gave the drawings to the artists (and couple) and they all seemed pleased with their pics.  I liked David prior's long mutation of water sounds most I think, although Anvil & Stirrup were very friendly, and there was something cleansing about their pure tone drone tune.
Speakers unspoken

This is a digitally edited version of the Anvil&Stirrup image above - I imported it into Illustrator, Auto traced it onto 2 different layers with different thresholds, then  added a brick background (as this was what was behind them in reality)

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