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Sunday, 11 March 2012

Troublesome techno-image Trials

Here's the updated picture I just did from the scan Piotr sent me- part of me likes the messed up ones even better :) - what do you think?

Was at Freud's the other night and did a cool little sketch bar guy / DJ Peter, photoed it, gave it to the chap (who played some sweet minimalist techno and spanish trance)

The pics i took on my nokia where blurred & it's been frustrating trying to get the lines sharp.

just black & white desturated

autoTraced in Illustrartor using threshold 200

I wanted a pure image to work from to get rid of the "noise", so tried to sharpen the image and remove speckles  or noise from the original photo.  I didn't really get what I wanted (so far),

However, the attempts have yielded some interesting messed up results, which could prove inspirational :)

despeckle in GiIMP on high radius (14)

despeckled from colour with recursive on

more despeckle experiments

wonderful ghost image using very high despeckle settings in GimP

recursive on

 saw the Dj on port meadow, and he said he was going to scan and send me a better copy - so, let's see what happens :)

The Mighty Wurlitzer

performed Live Music
The Ultimate Picture Palace
Charming Kartoon: "Betty Boop's Kerchoo"

followed by Main Feature
"Safety Last"

"A fine time was had by all!!"


Imaginacija Paper Art from Lucie Forejtova at the Albion Beatnik Bookshop


wrote to Project Room & art room @ crisis asking for some work space, as well as asking a family friend who has a studio - I'm really feeling like I need some place seperate from where I sleep & eat to create - there's too many distractions here!

Storytelling Science

Brainbow for  Nathanael Yates  
Original slide of Brainbow made by dyeing neurons

This is what I did at Science Storytelling day organised by these folks

Some interesting presentations, especially the one about mind reading machines & gaming (Ever get that feeling you have HyperBalls?) and collective science projects using grids of user machines.   some links to those ideas on these phone images:

Might as well put the link to TECHNOSPHERE here too - a great late 90s virtual evolution environment where you could build your own monsters and watch them devour each other! (or mate and have babies - ahhh)

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

CrissCrossing the Social Nets

Well, it's been about 3 hours work, but finally I have managed to get my twitter feeds on fb, and my posts here on blogger cross-posted onto both twitter and facebook thanks to an app called networkedblogs which spits out little chunks of what appears here onto fb and twitland at the same time.  All of this just to save me clicking the share button on each post!

Actually, this should bring in some new followers and viewers; I've been putting a lot of effort into keeping my Ellipsis blog up to date and interesting (hopefully) and I think, like a good meal, it's better shared.  Also I want to encourage comments (woah no comets!) and feedback on my art work and so on, because as I consider entering the world of commercial design/craft or perhaps trying to use art for social/political reasons, I'll need to draw people in to talk about ideas and get customers and supporters.

So, hope this works, be great to get some dynamics going in these pages, and hey, it's been a good learning experience that I hope I can share with others :)

Liquid Light

Just wanted to way what an awesome time I had today experimenting with Liquid Light - it's not quite as science fiction as it sounds, but it does allow one to expose negatives onto any surface, and paint specific areas that one wants to expose photographs onto.  bah i can't explain it, here's a youtube video: Experimental Photography Processing : Experimental Photography: Liquid Light

I'll post up some of the results when I'm not so knackered!

Monday, 5 March 2012

Artweeks Artwork from 'grimm project'

this one was based on keturah's suggestion that it be more deep red like a poison apple

This version was based on Kayleigh's suggestion that it was more colourful

I was desperately hoping these might be used in the promotional material for our upcoming Grimm's Fairy Tales related end of year show in May; however, the harder one grips on to something the more it slips through the fingers. I understand the rest of my group (hi guys if you're reading this!) wanted something to represent all of them,  but I still think this looks cooler than the image our tutor suggested - it also represents loads of things to do with fairy stories!

The icons were all suggestions that my classmates gave me at the beginning of the project -  I like the concept of democratic art that's made by a group - although clearly I'm a mass of contradictions as I wanted MY ART to go o the flyers for the show, not the more collectively made screenprinted book designs.

I guess that's the thing about democracy; sometimes you just have to accept the majority view!
the original black and white versions

Sunday, 4 March 2012


aUDIOgraFT @ jaqueline du pre music rooms
b4 it happenE


Add D PriorNoise
scratches maDE== when static PLAyED
Anvil & Stirrup, now

caption captured
audiograph software 4 ipad :)
Great concert put on by OCM - although I was a bit miffed that they wouldn't let me in to see Trevor Wishart in the 1st half because they were 'recording' - surely with electronic music made of samples they would take a feed off the sound desk and also several people walked out of the door during the first half.  Moan Moan bloody moan.  However, second half was very interesting, I've tried to capture the mood of the different pieces in these sketches. My favourites are the speakers and the couple listening.  I gave the drawings to the artists (and couple) and they all seemed pleased with their pics.  I liked David prior's long mutation of water sounds most I think, although Anvil & Stirrup were very friendly, and there was something cleansing about their pure tone drone tune.
Speakers unspoken

This is a digitally edited version of the Anvil&Stirrup image above - I imported it into Illustrator, Auto traced it onto 2 different layers with different thresholds, then  added a brick background (as this was what was behind them in reality)