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Tuesday 8 May 2012

Which Witch is Which?

Some friends and I started to make some additions to David Gosling's work in progress sculpture of a Witch by the King's Stone at the Rollright Stones. See what happens when she sees that I'm recording her and ask her whether I'm allowed to add to existing artwork, in a positive way.

During my filming, the woman grabs my phone out of my hand and tries to interfere with it. I steal her biscuits in retaliation - & then the fireworks begin!


  1. Oh Dot, communication is not your strong point...

    If you just tried to have a little bit of compassion and understanding with people you wouldn't get reactions like these. And why did you feel it was okay to keep filming her after she asked you to please not do it? You put these people in a difficult position man. I know you well enough to understand what you tried to communicate in the beginning, but I also see where it went wrong.

    You can't expect humility and flexibility from other people if you're not willing to offer some of your own. I think you keep underestimating the fact that you can also be intimidating. Next time, try to give a little ground and see what happens.

  2. Ok, after having talked to you on the phone I'll moderate myself a little bit. I seems like those people were rude to you first.

  3. What made you think that it was a work in progress? Or did you decide that yourself? Maybe it would have been an idea to contact the artist before hand?

    Your argument has no grounds, and sounded ridiculous. It seems that you wanted to have a philosophical debate... but ended up arguing with some local people who saw you altering someone elses sculpture, nothing more.
    I'm glad people were willing to challenge you as you were in the wrong.

    I was actually one of the team with David Gosling who built the sculpture, and I think that as an 'Artist' you should have more respect for other peoples creations.

  4. So at least there's a debate, it might not reflect well on me, but I didn't intend any disrespect to artists. David has written to me, also highlighting rudeness. I asked him if it was rude to erect a work of art in a sacred space without consulting worshippers. I likened it to putting a paper mâché model of a soldier stabbing Jesus next to the cross in a church. I felt the place has been defaced by the addition, spoiling many go for contemplation. I added the drooping fingers to disell

  5. I also saw the drooping fingers as a way to dispell the psychic attack people entering the field feel when confronted with the witch!
